Qaab adeegsiga

wax ka badal

Sidaan soo socota nuqul ka qaado:

{{Macluumaad Qof Madax Ah
|honorific-prefix   = 
|name               = 
|sex                = <!-- Naag: dhig halakaan F ama 1 ama dhidig -->
|honorific-suffix   = 
|image              = 
|imagesize          = 
|smallimage         = 
|alt                = 
|caption            = 
|order              = 
|office             = 
|term_start         = 
|term_end           = 
|alongside          = 
|vicepresident      = 
|viceprimeminister  = 
|deputy             = 
|lieutenant         = 
|monarch            = 
|president          = 
|primeminister      = 
|taoiseach          = 
|chancellor         =  
|governor           = 
|governor-general   = 
|governor_general   = 
|succeeding         =
|predecessor        = 
|successor          = 
|constituency       = 
|majority           = 
|order2             =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|office2            =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|term_start2        =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|term_end2          =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|alongside2         =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|vicepresident2     =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|viceprimeminister2 =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|deputy2            =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|lieutenant2        =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|monarch2           =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|president2         =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|primeminister2     =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|governor2          =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|succeeding2        =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|predecessor2       =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|successor2         =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|constituency2      =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
|majority2          =  <!--Can be repeated up to eight times by changing the number-->
<!-----Macluumaadka Qofka----->
|birthname          =
|birthdate          = 
|birthplace         =
|deathdate          =
|deathplace         =
|nationality        =
|party              =
|otherparty         =
|spouse             =
|relations          =
|children           =
|residence          =
|alma_mater         =
|occupation         =
|profession         =
|cabinet            =
|portfolio          =
|religion           =
|signature          =
|website            =
<!-----Taariikhda ciidan----->
|allegiance         = 
|branch             = 
|serviceyears       = 
|rank               = 
|commands           = 
|battles            = 
|awards             = 

{{Macluumaad Qof Madax Ah
|name          = Maxamed Siyaad Barre
|image         = Siyaad Barre.jpg
|imagesize     = 200px
|order         = [[Madaxweyneyaashii Soomaaliya|Madaxweynihii 4aad ee Soomaaliya]]
|office        = 
|primeminister = [[Maxamed Cali Samatar]]<br />[[Maxamed Xawaadle Madar]]<br />[[Maxamed Faarax Salaad]]
|term_start    = 21 [[Oktoobar]] [[1969]]
|term_end      = 26 Jannayo [[1991]]
|vicepresident = [[Maxamed Cali Samatar]]<br />[[Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax]]
|predecessor   = [[Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan]] <small>(Rasmi)</small> <br /> [[Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma'arke]] <small>(Rasmi)</small>
|successor     = [[Cali Mahdi Maxamed]] <small>(Ku meel gaar)</small> <br /> [[Ciidanka Soomaaliya|Talyaha Ciidamada Qalabka Sida]] <small>(Rasmi)</small>
|order2        = [[Ciidanka Soomaaliya|Ku Xigeenka Talyaha Ciidamada Qalabka Sida]]
|president2    = [[Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan]]
|term_start2   = 16 Abriil 1964
|term_end2     = 21 Oktoobar 1981
|predecessor2  = [[Daa'uud Cabdulle Xirsi]]
|successor2    = [[Maxamed Abshir Muuse]]
|office3       = 
|president3    = 
|term_start3   = 
|term_end3     = 
|predecessor3  = 
|successor3    = 
|office4       = [[Afganbi|Hogaankii Ciidanka inqilaabka]]
|term_start4   = 21 Oktoobar 1969
|term_end4     = 
|predecessor4  = [[Salaad Gabayre Kadiye]]
|successor4    = 
|birth_date    = {{Dhalashada iyo sanadka|1919|10|06}
|birth_place   = [[Shiilaabo]], [[Soomaali Galbeed]], {{Soomaaliya}}
|death_date    = {{Dhimashada iyo sanadka|1995|01|02|1919|10|6}}
|death_place   = 
|party         = [[Xisbiga Hantiwadaagga Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed]]
|spouse        = [[Khadija Maalin]]<br />[[Dalyad Haji Hashi]]
|children      = [[Maslax Maxamed Siyaad Barre]]<br />[[Faaduma Maxamed Siyaad Barre]]
|religion      = [[Image:Allah-green.svg|18px]] [[islaam |Islaam (sunni)]]
|signature     = 

Maxamed Siyaad Barre
Macluumaad Qof Madax Ah/doc

Ka qabtay xil
21 Oktoobar 1969 – 26 Jannayo 1991
Ra'iisulwasaare Maxamed Faarax Salaad
Maxamed Cali Samatar
Maxamed Faarax Salaad
Madaxweyne ku xigeen Maxamed Cali Samatar
Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax
Xilka kaga horeeyey Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan (Rasmi)
Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma'arke (Rasmi)
Xilka kaga dambeeyey Cali Mahdi Maxamed (Ku meel gaar)
Talyaha Ciidamada Qalabka Sida (Rasmi ah)

Ka qabtay xilka
16 Abriil 1964 – 21 Oktoobar 1969
Madaxweyne Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan
kaga horeeyey xilka Maxamed Abshir Muuse
kaga dambeeyey xilka Daa'uud Cabdulle Xirsi

Sii watay Xilkiisa
Haya Xilka 
21 Oktoobar 1969
Xilka kaga horeeyey Salaad Gabayre Kadiye

Macluumaad gaar ah

Geeriyoodey Febraayo 1995 ( 1993–1994 jir)
Xisbi siyaasadeed Xisbiga Hantiwadaagga Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed
Is guursadeen Khadija Maalin
Dalyad Haji Hashi
Caruur Maslax Maxamed Siyaad Barre
Faaduma Maxamed Siyaad Barre
Diinta Islaam (sunni)