Kasmaal is a Somali show run by Somtel( a company in Somalia). It is run during the holy month of Ramadan and started in 2010. Its purpose is to fundraise money for Somtel to expand its company reach. You play by answering questions in Somali and if you get 6 questions right, you win 420,000 Somali shillings ($719.79 USD or £576.37 GBP as of May 2022). You can withdraw at any time in the game and if you don’t want to risk it, you can do that. However, if you want to continue the game show but don’t know the answer, you can use some help such as 50/50, calling someone with your phone and asking the audience what they think it is. Unfortunately, you can only use them twice, which is bad if you don’t have any more but need to use them.

Source: Watching Kasmaal