Dheecaanku waa ka saarista dabiiciga ah ama macmalka ah ee biyaha dusha sare iyo kuwa ka hooseeya ee meel la siiyey. Carro badan oo beeralaydu waxay u baahan yihiin biyo-mareen si ay u horumariyaan wax soo saarka ama si ay u maareeyaan saadka biyaha.
Mareegaha kale iyo tixraacyada
wax ka badal- WebCom Systems Archived Diseembar 23, 2018 // Wayback Machine, software created for designing soakaways and filter trenches.
- NDS Archived Febraayo 18, 2007 // Wayback Machine Archived 2007-02-18 at the Wayback Machine, drainage calculator.
- Ancient drains, a series of images of the earliest drainage systems in the ancient Indus city of Mohenjo daro
- Stormwater Design Archived Nofeembar 21, 2010 // Wayback MachineInformation on stormwater design Archived 2010-11-21 at the Wayback Machine
- Draining for Profit, and Draining for Health by George E. Waring, 1867, from Project Gutenberg
- Drainage photos Archived Diseembar 7, 2008 // Wayback Machine Archived 2008-12-07 at the Wayback Machine